.Claudi Thompson, German > English Translator

I was born and raised in Germany. As a young adult I caught the traveling bug that brought me to Alaska for what I thought would be a summer vacation. Little did I know that Alaska would become my new home. I have been living in the “Last Frontier” for over 25 years now. I love the peace, quiet, and wide open spaces Alaska offers. I am also an outdoor enthusiast and enjoy wilderness adventures through hiking, cross-country skiing, canoeing, or kayaking.

As a German > English translator I am uniquely qualified because I am a German native who completed four years of undergraduate education in Germany. For the past 25+ years, however, I have lived and breathed American English, soaked up American culture, and completed graduate studies at an American university. American English has truly become my dominant language.

I studied Physical Geography and Soil Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt/Germany and earned a Master’s degree in Quaternary Science (the study of the ice ages) from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. I was also the lead author of three peer-reviewed English-language scientific journal articles based on my graduate research.

My career path has provided me with valuable experiences in the fields of science, natural history, environmental protection, and social services. I have helped patients to quit tobacco products, coached clients with chronic mental illness to gain employment skills, and worked with everyday people to get their lives organized. Through my ability to listen, learn, and adapt and great attention to detail I have gained the skills necessary to see your project through to completion, no matter what the obstacles are.

Skiing in the Wood-Tikchik Mountains

Cross-country skiing in the Wood-Tikchik Mountains

Canoeing the Delta River

Canoeing the Delta River

Kayaking the Yukon River

Kayaking the Yukon River

Hiking above Dawson City